100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sleep Part II...Or why I hate growth spurts

Well sleep, we had a good run of it. We were both enjoying our 8 hours of uninterrupted bliss. Then a tornado hit. A tornado called "the dreaded three month growth spurt." No longer is Buster content to sleep through the night - not when there is eating to be done! So, we're on a pretty consistent 6 oz every 4 hours schedule. He lives his life one bottle at a time. During the evenings we feed him at 7:00pm, 11:00pm, 2:00am, and 6:00am.

What else is bad about the growth spurt? Oh my is he crabby! He's so tired (again, because he's growing and humans do all of their growing while they sleep) but he fights sleep at every turn. I think he's convinced that if he sleeps he's going to miss out on THE most exciting thing he will ever see in his life. I don't think he quite realizes he has decades of life to live so he can sleep and should sleep. Often!

So, my deepest and most sincere apologies to all who have and will experience Buster's latest reign of terror. It can't last forever, right? RIGHT?!?!


Anonymous said...

LOL!! It won't last forever, it'll just feel that way.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't last forever, we are all living through it. You should have seen him Friday night, whooo hoooo I bet he grew at least an inch by all the crying he did. I felt so helpless because nothing would make him happy except Gramps dancing with him in the kitchen.