100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Best Friends

When I was pregnant, Sam was beyond excited. When I told him that the baby would not come for a while his response was "like, in 2 weeks?" Later he informed me that he was going to take all the books out of his backpack in order to carry Buster around in it. He told me over and over how him and Buster were going to be best friends. And they are! Buster smiles and laughs just by looking at our Sammer. Here are some pictures of the bosom buddies -


Georgiann said...

wow! sam has gotten so big. i remember his photo from on your desk at UWM. both of the boys are super, super cute! =)

Anonymous said...

holy crap! look at sam's hair! it was soooooo long.... I will never let it get that long again

Anonymous said...

Sam's hair really is pretty long there. But is there anything better then our two guys hanging out?? I defy anyone to give me something that cute.