100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


This is what we've learned about Buster in the past 7 months:

Loves: Bathtime
Hates: Getting dressed

Loves: Mornings
Hates: Dirty diapers

Favorite toy: the Jumperoo
Favorite food: tie between Pears and Garden Vegetables

Least favorite toy: the stacking rings
Least favorite food: Bananas and Sweet Potatoes

Favorite tv show: American Idol and Sesame Street
Favorite parent : Me (haha)

Favorite political party: Democrat
Favorite book: Dr Seuss ABC's (Big A, little a. What begins with A? Aunt Annie's alligator. A a a.)

Least favorite political party: Libertarian
Least favorite book: Carl's Afternoon in the Park

Loves: Going for walks
Hates: Being bored

Favorite game: Any rough housing especially "drop the baby" and Peek a Boo

Loves: His grandparents and aunts/uncles
Hates: Going to bed (he really really hates going to bed).

Favorite outfit: None. He prefers to be naked.


Georgiann said...

drop the baby is an awesome game! i would love it too =)

Georgiann said...
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