100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

100 Reasons to have a kid. 4 million not to.

Monday, February 4, 2008

10 reasons why Buster loves me

I just read an interesting article on Parents.com listing 10 reasons why your baby loves you (your voice, smell, etc.) Inspired here's my own list of 10 reasons why Buster loves me and Jim.

  1. We feed him. Seriously - you should see how excited he gets over food
  2. We have cats. He can't get enough of Beaker and Cache. Just seeing them makes him squeal with delight.
  3. I sing to him. Despite horribly I sing "L.O.V.E." he still quiets down.
  4. We are the keepers of the Tylenol
  5. No matter how naughty it is, we continue to let him nap in our arms
  6. We play with him - his favorite is "drop the baby", which involves us pretending to drop him.
  7. We feed him.
  8. We always get him in the morning and he always greets us with a huge smile from the crib.
  9. We change his diaper. He hates hates hates a dirty diaper
  10. We love him and make sure he knows every day.

and a bonus:

11. We feed him.

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