Being a baby. We came to this realization over the weekend. Our poor little guy is teething...and growing...and teething. Many of us can't remember what it feels like to have a tooth come in or to experience growing pains. I don't remember the teething, but I remember my growing pains from pregnancy and boy did they hurt! So we're trying to keep him happy and his mind off of things. Following some advice we got, once we figured out that he wasn't hungry, or tired, or bored we gave him some Tylenol figuring he must be in pain. It worked! Our cranky baby was a happy baby! He was so happy, that he didn't want to go to bed. Ah well. We didn't mind so much because he was a happy baby!
And many thanks to Allison for babysitting this past Saturday. It's so nice to have a clean house again!
I think Tori got really frustrated when she was on the brink of crawling. Everyone else moving about must look really exciting to a baby.
Holy cow, I can't tell you how much we LOVE infant tylenol! If I were a songwriter, I would have written ten thousand Odes to Infant Tylenol. Our pediatrician was great and said that he, too, gave his kids infant tylenol all the time when they were teething. A teething ring (or frozen washcloth) only works for so long and doesn't work when the baby needs to sleep. Long Live the Infant Tylenol Inventors! Long Live the Infant Tylenol Patent Awarders! Long Live the Infant Tylenol Manufacturers!
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