I consider this to really be our "first year". Yes, technically last year was the first, first. But this is the first year James/Jimmy/Buster/the Dude/little Man/Pooper can really enjoy and become involved. A few weekends ago we did the most traditional of fall activities (besides raking leaves, which will come later) - we went to the pumpkin farm! Buster was unsure about it at first, but he really got into it and did not want to leave. We ended up at Apple Holler, which those of you Wisconsin/Illnoisians know is a mecca for yuppy families. Considering none of the three of us like crowds, we got our overpriced pumpkin and booked it out of there with promises of ice cream.
"Hi Pumpkins!"
This one's as big as he is!
We played with this grass for a solid 5 minutes.
Buster's still ready to go look at pumpkins, while Jim is just ready to go home.
Whew! Pumpkin buying is hard work!